Sail of Rushcutters Bay Sailboat

Rushcutters Bay

At Sailability Rushcutters Bay (SRB) we encourage and welcome all members of the community, of all abilities and diverse backgrounds, including those with physical and intellectual challenges, the financially and socially disadvantaged, and individuals over 18 years of age to enjoy the freedom of being on the water and experiencing our beautiful harbour.

Our sailing programs enable people to develop not only sailing skills but the ability to work together in a team, to develop friendships, to build self-confidence and pride through their achievements all in a safe and secure environment.

We offer group sailing activities for people from disability support services every week. We participate in weekly races organised by sailing clubs around Sydney Harbour and we teach people to sail on Saturday mornings.

SRB is a not-for-profit 100% volunteer operated organisation. SRB is unique in that we have two Salvos which seat a maximum of 8 people and one Sonar all designed to be accessible.


Commodore – Tery Breen | 0403 020 755 |
Vice-Commodore – Gaye Kelly | 0404 181 071 |
Secretary – Sophie Loader | 0402 529 418 |
Treasurer – Jo Cruickshank | 0407 900 495 |


1C New Beach Road, Darling Point NSW 2027

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