Amethyst Barnbrook was born on the 4th of July 1988. She came into this world with no arms or hands and only half of one leg with three toes. Despite these huge handicaps she has managed to lead quite a normal life and participates in most things to the best of her ability. She plays the trumpet (with adaptations) getting a “B+” in her last A.M.E.B. exam for 4th Grade ……. and she has a passion for sailing. It is her achievements in sailing that have put her into the “special” category.
Ame started sailing at the age of eight and did not take long to make headway in this sport. She sails an Access Dinghy 2.3 which is “servo assisted”, allowing her to control both rudder and main sheet from a single joy stick with her toes. Since that early beginning, she has held State, National and International titles in her division.